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Quarterly Economic Review
Domestic Economic review for quarter ending March 31, 2005.
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments for the month of April 2005.
Surveys and Other Research Publications
The Central Bank of the Bahamas announces the release of the results from its first Survey of Economic Activity.
Quarterly Statistical Digest
QSD May 2005 is now available, for complete viewing of monetary, financial and economic statistics through March 2005, please click on the link below.
Annual Reports
This report includes a comparative review of economic and financial developments in The Bahamas during 2004, an update on regulatory development affecting the financial sector during the year, a review of monetary policy developments and an update of...
Reports and Survey Forms
The Central Bank is once more requesting the assistance of pension managers and sponsors in updating the survey on domestic pension plans in The Bahamas. This survey continues to provide useful information on supplementary retirement savings in the p...
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments for the month of March 2005.
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments for the month of February 2005.
Surveys and Other Research Publications
This article provides an update on private pension plans in The Bahamas, based on the latest survey by the Central Bank, which covered the years 2002 and 2003.
Quarterly Economic Review
For best viewing, please download this document first.
Quarterly Economic Review
Summary of domestic economic developments for the 4th Quarter, 2004. Includes brief discussion on the economic outlook.
Quarterly Statistical Digest
The latest economic and financial statistics through the fourth quarter of 2004.
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments for the month of January 2005.
Quarterly Statistical Digest
QSD February 2005 is now available, for complete viewing of monetary, financial and economic statistics through December 2004, please click on the link below.
Monthly Economic and Financial Development Report
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments for the month of December 2004.