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Initial Public Offering of $50 Million (5.40% Fixed; October 3, 2016 to October 3, 2036 - 20Y)
Public Offering of $30 Million (5.40% Fixed; August 26, 2016 to August 26, 2036 - 20Y)
Issued under The Bahamas Registered Stock Act, and authorized by Resolutions of the House of Assembly, 22nd June, 2016, the Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas invites applications for Bahamas Government Regist...
The Central Bank is responsible for the licensing, regulation and supervision of non-bank money transmission businesses operating in and from within The Bahamas, pursuant to the Banks and Trust Companies Regulation Act,...
The Central Bank of The Bahamas has become aware of a series of counterfeit Bahamian $100 banknotes in circulation.
On September 23, 2014, the Central Bank of The Bahamas released a Consultation Paper on the Bahamas Credit Bureau Project (the BCB Project), and the key provisions of the Draft Credit Reporting Bill, 2014 and the Draft C...
The Central Bank of The Bahamas (the Central Bank) is proposing to make changes to the dormant accounts law this year.
Deposit Insurance Corporation Public Notice
The Central Bank of The Bahamas issues warnings about dealing with named persons, whether these are individuals or companies, to alert the public and the financial services sector, that where such persons offer banking o...
The Central Bank is responsible for the licensing, regulation and supervision of non-bank money transmission businesses operating in and from within The Bahamas, pursuant to the Banks and Trust Companies Regulation Act
The Central Bank is pleased to announce the release of the General Information and Application Guidelines for Non-Bank Money Transmission Service Providers and Non-Bank Money Transmission Agents.
It has come to the attention of the Central Bank of The Bahamas that an entity styling itself "Universal Government Agencies Limited" (UGAL), purports to have entered a written agreement, dated 31st December, 2007 with t...
Notice in respect of the fraudulent use of the Internal Revenue Service [IRS] name and likeness.