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Unauthorized Reproduction of Bahamas Currency Images on Apparel

Published: Tuesday August 28th, 2018

The Central Bank wishes to advise the public that it is illegal to use images of Bahamian banknotes or coins in any form without the expressed permission of the Bank. Persons or businesses engaged in such practices are asked to cease from doing so immediately, and to remove such articles or products from circulation.

The Bank has been made aware of several instances of clothing products being sold, bearing images of Bahamian currency.

Such practices are prohibited under Section 11(2) of the Central Bank of The Bahamas Act, 2000, which states that “no person other than the Central Bank shall issue notes or coins or any documents or tokens having the appearance of notes or coins.” A violation of this provision may result in fines, imprisonment, or both.

In exceptional cases, the Central Bank may approve the reproduction of images of currency images for specified uses. Even then, uses of the commercial nature recently observed by the Bank would not be considered.

The Central Bank therefore requests the full cooperation of the public in this matter.

Contacts Manager, Banking Department: Cleopatra Davis

External Relations Officer: Kevin Demeritte