Published: Monday July 24th, 2023

Khaliq Martin
The Central Bank wishes to announce the results of this year’s T. Baswell Donaldson (T.B. Donaldson) Research Competition. The independent panel of judges (the Assessment Committee) has recommended the award of the T. B. Donaldson Memorial Prize to Mr. Khaliq Martin of the City University of London, London, United Kingdom, for his paper “The Caribbean’s Workation Destination: A Vision to Expand the Bahamian Tourism Sector through the Investment, Development, and Infrastructure of Co-Working Spaces.”
This year the Central Bank received twenty-seven research submissions for the T. B. Donaldson Memorial Prize, which were reviewed and adjudicated by a panel of economists and university professors. The Award is only given if the Assessment Committee deems that an entry meets the epitome of academic rigor expected of university-level research, and the relevance criteria for the Bahamian economy. The Committee also recognized that a number of the research papers showed considerable promise, with the entry from Mr. Martin rising to the required standard that would merit the Memorial Prize.
Two other works received honourable mention. These Mr. Athan Ward, University of The Bahamas, with the topic “Alternative Energy Sources for Sustainable Development in The Bahamas” and Ms. Catharina Moncur, University of South Florida with the topic “The Bahamian Economy in a Globalized World.”
The Central Bank encourages students to continue to improve their research techniques and methods, and to take full advantage of the support of faculty advisors and peers to refine their work. The Bank has begun to prepare for the 2024 T. B. Donaldson Research Competition, and will expand the initiative to identify prize recipients.
The T. B. Donaldson Memorial Prize is aimed at recognising Bahamian university students who produced outstanding research on topics of policy or other applied relevance to the Bahamian economy. The research must satisfy rigorous academic standards and focus on business, economics, finance, banking or other related subjects, of relevance to the Bahamian economy.
July 24, 2023