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Latest Publications

05 May

Annual Report & Statement of Accounts, 2003

Annual Reports

This report includes a comparative review of economic and financial developments in The Bahamas during 2003, an update on regulatory development affecting the financial sector during the year, a review of monetary policy developments and an update of...

04 Mar

QSD 2004

Quarterly Statistical Digest

Available Quarterly Statistical Digests for 2004

01 Dec

QSD 2003

Quarterly Statistical Digest

Available Quarterly Statistical Digests for2003

10 Nov

Survey of Private Pension Funds, 2000-2001

Surveys and Other Research Publications

Survey of Private Pension Funds, 2000-2001

24 Jul

2002: Gross Economic Contribution of Banks and Trust Companies in The Bahamas

Surveys and Other Research Publications

2002: Gross Economic Contribution of Banks and Trust Companies in The Bahamas

24 Jul

QER 2003

Quarterly Economic Review

March, June, September and December Quarterly Economic Review for 2003

06 May

Annual Report & Statement of Accounts, 2002

Annual Reports

This report includes a comparative review of economic and financial developments in The Bahamas during 2002. The second half of the report provides a summary of the Bank's operations and the Statement of Accounts for the year ending December 31, 2002...

15 May

Annual Report & Statement of Accounts, 2001

Annual Reports

Central Bank of The Bahamas Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, for the year ended December 31, 2001.

31 Oct

Capital Market Developments and the Banking System

Working Papers

Please note that this paper is a work in progress. Comments, questions and or suggestions are welcomed, and should be directed to the paper's author.

16 May

Annual Report & Statement of Accounts, 2000

Annual Reports

Central Bank of The Bahamas Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, for the year ended December 31, 2000.

31 Oct

The Money Multiplier for The Bahamas

Working Papers

Using quarterly data for the period 1990 to 2000, this brief analyzes estimates of the money multiplier for The Bahamas. The multiplier has particular relevance for monetary policy, because it establishes a link between the monetary base or high powe...

31 May

Capital Market Development and Foreign Portfolio Investment in The Bahamas

Working Papers

Please note that this paper is a work in progress. Comments, questions and or suggestions are welcomed, and should be directed to the paper's author.

30 Nov

Can The Sir Stafford Sands Model of The Bahamian Economy Survive Today's Global Economy

Working Papers

Please note that this paper is a work in pogress. Comments, questions and or suggestions are welcomed, and should be directed to the paper's author.

30 Nov

The Monetary and Fiscal Implications of Achieving Debt Sustainability

Surveys and Other Research Publications

This paper was published by the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, of the University of the West Indies: Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 49: Nos. 2&3 (June/September, 2000)

30 Nov

Measuring the Impact of Foreign Capital Flows in the Bahamian Tourism Industry

Surveys and Other Research Publications

Measuring the Impact of Foreign Capital Flows in the Bahamian Tourism Industry