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Latest News

01 Jan
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments, December 2006

General News

The expansion in economic activity was sustained during December, reflecting continued firming in private sector demand as evidenced by an increase in credit, as well as robust growth in the construction sector in respon...

01 Jan
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments, November 2006

General News

During the month of November the Bahamian economy maintained positive momentum supported by strong consumer demand, which stimulated robust growth in private sector credit and sustained the expansion in construction acti...

15 Dec
Circulation of the New CRISP $50 Banknote

Press Releases

The Central Bank is pleased to announce that on December 13, 2006, it released into circulation the third denomination in its CRISP (Counterfeit Resistant Integrated Security Product) family of banknotes to continue to u...

08 Dec
List of Banks and Trust Companies: 30/09/06

General News

The Central Bank of The Bahamas recently published the names of Banks and Trust Companies licensed in The Bahamas under the Banks and Trust Companies Regulation Act, 2000, as at 30th September, 2006.

06 Dec
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments, October 2006

General News

Initial data suggests that economic growth was sustained during the month of October, reflecting continued firming in construction activity and consumer demand.

04 Dec
Anti-Money Laundering Seminar Documents

General News

On 29th November, 2006 the Central Bank of the Bahamas hosted an Anti-Money Laundering Seminar for licensees at the British Colonial Hilton. Two papers resulting from that seminar titled (i) Risk Rating Framework and (ii...

01 Dec

General News


29 Nov
Quarterly Statistical Digest, November 2006

General News

QSD November 2006 is now available, for complete viewing of monetary, financial and economic statistics through September 2006, please click on the link below.

24 Nov
WARNING NOTICE: November 23, 2006

General News

The Central Bank of The Bahamas issues warnings about dealing with named persons, whether these are individuals or companies, to alert the public and the financial services sector, that where such persons offer banking o...

21 Nov
WARNING NOTICE: November 16, 2006

General News

The Central Bank of The Bahamas issues warnings about dealing with named persons, whether these are individuals or companies, to alert the public and the financial services sector, that where such persons offer banking o...

13 Nov
Supreme Court makes Order to Wind-up SSBT

General News

The Central Bank's Petition to wind up Suisse Security Bank & Trust Ltd. ("SSBT") was heard on November 13th 2006, in the Supreme Court before the Hon. Mr. Justice Stephen Isaacs. Justice Isaacs ordered that SSBT be woun...

03 Nov
Monthly Economic and Financial Developments September 2006

General News

Preliminary data for the month of September revealed continued growth in economic activity, amid strong gains in domestic demand as evidenced in steady levels of construction investments and domestic credit growth.

26 Oct
Release of Quarterly Economic Review, June 2006

General News

The QER for June 2006 includes information on monetary and economic developments for the quarter. Also, inclusive in this release is the "Survey of Pension Plans in The Bahamas (2004)".

Please click on the...

18 Oct
SSBT Updates

General News

The Central Bank's petition to wind up Suisse Security Bank and Trust Ltd. is scheduled to be heard on November 13th 2006 before the Hon. Mr. Justice Stephen Isaacs. Please see the attached Notice for more information.

18 Oct
SSBT Updates

General News

On 27th July 2006 the Privy Council ordered Mr. Mohamed Harajchi to personally pay the Respondent's costs in respect of his appeal to the Privy Council (Appeal No 66 of 2004). A copy of the costs Order may be viewed on...