The Central Bank of The Bahamas Response to Vendor Questions Re: Door Hardware RFP
Published: Wednesday March 10th, 2021
The Central Bank of The Bahamas
Response to Vendor Questions
Re: Door Hardware RFP
CBOB New Premises Project
Question: We previously submitted an RFP before the deadline was extended with acknowledgement of receipt. Do we need to resubmit?
Answer: If your previous proposal was submitted on time and did not receive a Tender’s Committee rejection, you do not need to resubmit. However, there is no harm in resending your proposal for the new deadline
Question: Can you provide us with the Bill of Quantities and Specifications along with any additional information that will assist us in this endeavor?
Answer: For security reasons, the door schedule is publically unavailable. However, at present time, there are an estimate of 400 doors. Of those doors, ~280 are interior, and ~110 are exterior. Further information about the project can be found by visiting or