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Public Notice: Renewal of the United Nations Security Council Sanctions Regime for Haiti

Published: Tuesday October 22nd, 2024

Public Notice

Renewal of the United Nations Security Council Sanctions Regime for Haiti

Pursuant to Section 3A of the International Obligations (Economic & Ancillary Measures) Amendment Act, 2019, supervised financial institutions (“SFIs”) are hereby informed that, on 18 October 2024, the United Nations Security Council (“UN Security Council”) has renewed for one year the sanctions regime on Haiti, continuing a travel ban and asset freeze, and expanding the scope of an arms embargo as well as the designation criteria for those measures initially established.

The measures were first imposed by Resolution 2653 (2022), relating to the targeted arms embargo, travel ban and asset freeze upon individuals and entities, and renewed in Resolution 2700 (2023).

For Information Only:

The Central Bank reminds SFIs licensed in The Bahamas, to periodically review their client records to determine whether or not they hold funds, other financial assets or economic resources which are either owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the persons or entities listed on the Sanctions List or any person acting on their behalf or at their discretion. Additionally, any positive findings (“hits”) are required to be reported to the Financial Intelligence Unit and the Attorney General.

Queries or responses to this notice should be addressed to:

The Analytics Unit

Bank Supervision Department

Central Bank of The Bahamas

Email: [email protected]

21 October 2024